#GulfstreamPark Zeus Odin holds on to win race 4. / Zeus Odin se creció en la 4ta carrera. 2017/6/23 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-06-23 Zeus Odin (1) holds on to win @GulfstreamPark 4th, Leonel Reyes aboard for trainer Gustavo Amaya. #TwilightRacing Zeus Odin (1) se creció en la 4ta de @GulfstreamPark, Leonel Reyes abordo para Gustavo Amaya.
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Gold Lace bests her rivals in race 3. / Gold Lace superó a sus rivales en la 3ra. 2017/6/23 Gold Lace bests her rivals in @GulfstreamPark 3rd, ridden by Tyler Gaffalione, trained by Michael Maker. #TwilightRacing Gold Lace superó…
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Hopetown upsets race 5. / Hopetown sorprende en la 5ta. 2017/6/23 Hopetown, with Pedro Monterrey Jr, upsets race 5 at @GulfstreamPark, George Bush is winner conditioner. Hopetown, con Pedro Monterrey…