#GulfstreamPark The Princess Rooney Invitational Gr.3 2023/10/7

Three Witches fends off Maryquitecontrary to upset the Princess Rooney Invitational Gr.3, ridden by Leonel Reyes, saddled by Saffie Joseph Jr, and owned by e5Racing. #GulfstreamPark

Three Witches contiene a Maryquitecontrary para sorprender en el Princess Rooney Invitational Gr.3, conducida por Leonel Reyes, ensillada por Saffie Joseph Jr, y propiedad del e5Racing. #SunshineMeet

Photo credit: Lauren King / Ryan Thompson / bobcoglianesephotos.com
If you want to buy print/digital photos please send an email at acoglianese@mac.com