#GulfstreamPark The Pan American Stakes Gr.2 2024/3/30

Kertez (GB) edges Harry Hood to grab the victory in the Pan American S. G2 presented @roodandriddle, ridden by Joel Rosario, saddled by Christophe Clement, and owned by Michael Dubb, Morris
Bailey and @westpointtbred. #GulfstreamPark #ChampionshipMeet

Kertez (GB) (gorra azul) doblega a Harry Hood para llevarse el Pan American S. G2 presentó @roodandriddle, condujo Joel Rosario, ensilló Christophe Clement, y propiedad de Michael Dubb,
Morris Bailey y @westpointtbred. #GulfstreamPark #ChampionshipMeet

Photo credit: Lauren King / Ryan Thompson / bobcoglianesephotos.com
If you want to buy print/digital photos please send an email at acoglianese@mac.com