#GulfstreamPark The Ghostzapper Stakes Gr.3 2024/3/30

Il Miracolo (inside) fights back to prevail in the Ghostzapper S. G3, John R. Velazquez in the irons
for trainer Antonio Sano and owner Alex Andrés LLC. #GulfstreamPark #ChampionshipMeet

Il Miracolo (adentro) reacciona para prevalecer en el Ghostzapper S. G3, John R. Velazquez en los
estribos para Antonio Sano y el propietario Alex Andrés LLC. #GulfstreamPark #ChampionshipMeet

Photo credit: Lauren King / Ryan Thompson / bobcoglianesephotos.com
If you want to buy print/digital photos please send an email at acoglianese@mac.com