#GulfstreamPark Nonna Bella holds on to win race 4. / Nonna Bella aguantó y ganó la 4ta carrera. 2017/3/10 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-03-10 Nonna Bella holds on to win @GulfstreamPark race 4, second win today for the Johnny V-Todd Pletcher duo! #ChampionshipMeet Nonna Bella aguantó y ganó la 4ta en @GulfstreamPark, 2do triunfo del dúo Johnny V-Todd Pletcher! #ChampionshipMeet
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Jennifer’s Legacy prevails in the 3rd race. / Jennifer’s Legacy descolló en la 3ra carrera. 2017/3/10 Jennifer’s Legacy prevails in @GulfstreamPark 3rd, @jose93_ortiz in the @Americanequus irons for Philip Serpe. #ChampionshipMeet Jennifer’s Legacy descolló…
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Speight Swiftly holds off Homewood Field to win race 5. / Speight Swiftly creció en la 5ta carrera . 2017/3/10 Speight Swiftly (2) holds off Homewood Field to win @GulfstreamPark race 5, ridden by Jose Lezcano, trained by Mark…