#GulfstreamPark Very Humorous scores in the finale. / Very Humorous triunfa en la última. 2017/3/29 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-03-292017-03-29 Very Humorous scores in @GulfstreamPark finale, Emisael Jaramillo up for trainer David Kassen. #ChampionshipMeet Very Humorous triunfa en la última de @GulfstreamPark, Emisael Jaramillo guió para David Kassen. #ChampionshipMeet
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Second Mate wins a tight finish in race 10. / Second Mate gana la 10ma en un apretado final. 2017/3/29 Second Mate wins a tight finish in @GulfstreamPark 10th, Paco López was the rider and Jane Cibelli was the…
Top News - US #US Fast and Accurate upsets the Spiral Gr.III. / Fast and Accurate sorprende en el Spiral Gr.III. 2017/3/26 Mike Maker’s Fast and Accurate (Hansen),Tyler Gaffalione aboard, upsets the Spiral Gr.III at Turfway Park. Fast and Accurate (Hansen), de Mike Maker con…