#GulfstreamPark Nephew Howard D romps in the 2nd. / Nephew Howard D galopa la 2da. 2017/4/12 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-04-12 Nephew Howard D, with Miguel Vasquez, romps in the 2nd at @GulfstreamPark, trained/owned by Steven Dwoskin. Nephew Howard D, con Miguel Vasquez para Steven Dwoskin, galopa la 2da en @GulfstreamPark.
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Sir Hannoun wins by a nose the first race. / Sir Hannoun gana por nariz la 1ra carrera. 2017/4/12 Sir Hannoun (inside) wins by a nose @GulfstreamPark 1st race, apprentice Aby Medina up for Fernando Abreu. Sir…
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Azar scores in the 3rd race. / Azar gana la 3ra carrera. 2017/4/12 Todd Pletcher’s Azar and Tyler Gaffalione score in the 3rd race at @GulfstreamPark. Azar y Tyler Gaffalione ganan…