#GulfstreamPark Sweet Distinction dominates the 3rd race. / Sweet Distinction domina la 3ra carrera. 2017/5/11 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-05-112017-05-11 Sweet Distinction dominates @GulfstreamPark 3rd, C.J. McMahon in the irons for Stanley Gold. Sweet Distinction domina la 3ra en @GulfstreamPark, C.J. McMahon en los estribos para Stanley Gold.
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Adagio left his competition behind in race 2. / Adagio dejó atrás a sus rivales en la 2da. 2017/5/11 Adagio left his competition behind in race 2 at @GulfstreamPark, Tyler Gaffalione up for trainer Daniel Gazader. Adagio dejó atrás…
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Holters Girl went wire to wire in the 4th race. / Holters Girl unió partida y llegada en la 4ta carrera. 2017/5/11 Holters Girl, with C.J. McMahon, went wire to wire in @GulfstreamPark 4th, trained by Herman Wilensky. Holters Girl, con C.J.…