Holters Girl, with C.J. McMahon, went wire to wire in @GulfstreamPark 4th, trained by Herman Wilensky. Holters Girl, con C.J.…
Author: videohipico@gmail.com

#GulfstreamPark Sweet Distinction dominates the 3rd race. / Sweet Distinction domina la 3ra carrera. 2017/5/11
Sweet Distinction dominates @GulfstreamPark 3rd, C.J. McMahon in the irons for Stanley Gold. Sweet Distinction domina la 3ra en @GulfstreamPark,…

#GulfstreamPark Adagio left his competition behind in race 2. / Adagio dejó atrás a sus rivales en la 2da. 2017/5/11
Adagio left his competition behind in race 2 at @GulfstreamPark, Tyler Gaffalione up for trainer Daniel Gazader. Adagio dejó atrás…

#GulfstreamPark Starship Wildcat prevails in the first race. / Starship Wildcat descolló en la 1ra carrera. 2017/5/11
Starship Wildcat prevails in @GulfstreamPark first race, Emisael Jaramillo aboard for Ruben Gracida. Starship Wildcat descolló en la 1ra…

#GulfstreamPark Wildcat Wave went gate to wire in the finale. / Wildcat Wave unió partida y llegada en la última. 2017/5/10
Wildcat Wave, with Carlos Olivero, went gate to wire in @GulfstreamPark finale, trained by Francisco D’Angelo. Wildcat Wave, con Carlos Olivero,…

#GulfstreamPark Cape Dynasty gets the job done in race 8. / Cape Dynasty responde en la 8va carrera. 2017/5/10
Cape Dynasty gets the job done in race 8 at @GulfstreamPark, Tyler Gaffalione up for Mark Casse. Cape Dynasty…

#GulfstreamPark Completely Bonkers wins a tight finish in the 7th. / Completely Bonkers gana un cerrado final en la 7ma. 2017/5/10
Completely Bonkers wins a tight finish in @GulfstreamPark 7th, C.J.McMahon in the saddle for Bobby Dibona. Completely Bonkers gana un…

#GulfstreamPark Little Baltar chases down Charlie Mops to win race 6. / Little Baltar liquidó a Charlie Mops para ganar la 6ta carrera. 2017/5/10
Little Baltar chases down Charlie Mops to win @GulfstreamPark 6th, C.J.McMahon rode for Carlo Vaccarezza. Little Baltar liquidó a Charlie…

#GulfstreamPark Dominate dominates race 5. / Dominate domina la 5ta carrera. 2017/5/10
Dominate dominates race 5 at @GulfstreamPark, Jesus Rios up for Teresa Pompay. Dominate domina la 5ta en @GulfstreamPark, Jesus…

#GulfstreamPark R Paper Chaser holds on to win race 4. / R Paper Chaser aguantó y ganó la 4ta carrera. 2017/5/10
R Paper Chaser holds on to win @GulfstreamPark race 4. Edgard Zayas aboard for trainer Ralph Ziadie. R Paper Chaser…

#GulfstreamPark Charlie’s Secret prevails in the 3rd. / Charlie’s Secret descolló en la 3ra. 2017/5/10
Charlie’s Secret prevails in @GulfstreamPark 3rd, ridden by Luca Panici and trained by Mark Casse. Charlie’s Secret descolló en…

#GulfstreamPark Ultimate Dude was the best in the 2nd race. / Ultimate Dude fue superior en la 2da carrera. 2017/5/10
Michael Yates’ Ultimate Dude was the best in @GulfstreamPark second race under Leonel Reyes. #GulfstreamPark Ultimate Dude, de Michael Yates…

#GulfstreamPark Explosive Candy wins the opener. / Explosive Candy gana la de apertura. 2017/5/10
Explosive Candy wins the opener at @GulfstreamPark, C.J.McMahon in the @Americanequus irons for K.K.Jayaraman. Explosive Candy gana la de apertura…

#GulfstreamPark #SpringMeet Top Jockeys / Jinetes Líderes 2017/5/7.
#GulfstreamPark #SpringMeet Top Jockeys, up to 5/7. Tyler Gaffalione leads with 37 victories. Zayas 34 Jaramillo 22 Panici 15 Vasquez…

#GulfstreamPark #SpringMeet Top Trainers / Entrenadores Líderes 2017/5/7.
#GulfstreamPark #SpringMeet Top Trainers by wins, up to 5/7. Todd Pletcher in front with 11 wins. Nicks 9 Rodriguez 9…