Princess Victoria and Emisael Jaramillo win race 5 at @GulfstreamPark for John Assimakopoulos. Princess Victoria y Emisael Jaramillo…
Gulfstream Park – Results
#GulfstreamPark Stone Heart finishes strong to win race 4. / Stone Heart cerró con fuerzas y ganó la 4ta carrera. 2017/4/6
Stone Heart finishes strong to win @GulfstreamPark 4th, Edgard Zayas in the saddle for Antonio Sano. Stone Heart…
#GulfstreamPark Olympic Bid wins by a hdad in the 3rd. / Olympic Bid gana por cabeza la 3ra. 2017/4/6
Olympic Bid wins by a head in the 3rd at @GulfstreamPark, Miguel Vasquez rode for Marcial Navarro. Olympic Bid…
#GulfstreamPark Khamsa Tfu romps in the 2nd race. / Khamsa Tfu galopa la 2da carrera. 2017/4/6
Khamsa Tfu romps in @GulfstreamPark 2nd race, Emisael Jaramillo up for trainer Victor Barboza. Khamsa Tfu galopa…
#GulfstreamPark Keep Me Grounded dominates the opener. / Keep Me Grounded domina la primera. 2017/4/6
Keep Me Grounded, with Miguel Vasquez, dominates the opener at @GulfstreamPark for Sadie Joseph Jr. Keep Me…
#GulfstreamPark Mongol G romps in the finale. / Mongol G galopó la última. 2017/4/5
Mongol G romps in @GulfstreamPark finale, @jorgeruizjockey in the irons for trainer Enebish Ganbat. #GulfstreamPark Mongol G…
#GulfstreamPark Queen Roller holds on to win race 7. / Queen Roller aguantó y ganó la 7ma carrera. 2017/4/5
Queen Roller holds on to win @GulfstreamPark 7th, Leonel Reyes up for trainer Gustavo Amaya. #GulfstreamPark Queen…
#GulfstreamPark Summers Back storms in the final stretch to win race 6. / Summers Back remató con éxito en la 6ta carrera. 2017/4/5
Summers Back, with Leonel Reyes, storms in the final stretch to win @GulfstreamPark 6th for Francisco D’Angelo. …
#GulfstreamPark Roraima scores in the 5th. / Roraima en la 5ta . 2017/4/5
Roraima scores in the 5th at @GulfstreamPark, ridden by Jorge Ruiz, trained by Fernando Abreu. #GulfstreamPark Roraima…
#GulfstreamPark Mighty Patient runs down her rivals in race 4. / Mighty Patient liquidó a sus rivales en la 4ta carrera. 2017/4/5
Jason Servis’ Mighty Patient runs down Southern n’ Sassy to win @GulfstreamPark 4th, Nik Juarez aboard. Mighty Patient,…
#GulfstreamPark Overture was the best in the 3rd race. / Overture fue superior en la 3ra carrera. 2017/4/5
Overture was the best in @GulfstreamPark 3rd, Edgar Prado in the saddle for trainer William Mott. #GulfstreamPark …
#GulfstreamPark Chivalrous dominates race 2. / Chivalrous domina la 2da carrera. 2017/4/5
Chivalrous dominates race 2 @GulfstreamPark, Nik Juarez rode for Armando De La Cerda. #GulfstreamPark Chivalrous domina la…
#GulfstreamPark Amaluna finishes strong to open today’s card. / Amaluna remató duro para abrir la jornada. 2017/4/5
Amaluna finishes strong to open today’s card at @GulfstreamPark, Gerardo Corrales up for Aubrey Maragh. #SpringMeet Amaluna remató…
#GulfstreamPark Good and Proper wins a thrilling finish in the finale. / Good and Proper gana un vibrante final en la última . 2017/4/2
Good and Proper (12) wins a thrilling finish in @GulfstreamPark finale, Luca Panici in the saddle for Larry Bates.…
#GulfstreamPark Hampstead Heath springs the surprise in race 10. / Hampstead Heath fue una sorpresa en la 10ma carrera. 2017/4/2
Hampstead Heath springs the surprise in @GulfstreamPark 10th, Carlos Hernández up for Jose Noda-Fernandez. #ChampionshipMeet Hampstead Heath fue…