#GulfstreamPark Chrishi wins by DQ of Matthews Mystery in race 8. / Chrishi gana por vía legal la 8va carrera. 2017/6/11 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-06-11 Luis Dominguez’s Chrishi and Aby Medina (6) win by DQ of Matthews Mystery (5) in race 8 at @GulfstreamPark. Chrishi, de Luis Dominguez con Aby Medina (6), gana por vía legal la 8va carrera en @GulfstreamPark.
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Catch That Cat romps in race 7. / Catch That Cat galopa la 7ma. 2017/6/11 Catch That Cat romps in race 7 at @GulfstreamPark, ridden by Jorge Ruiz, trained by Fernando Abreu. Catch That…
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Santiaguero left his competition behind in the finale. / Santiaguero dejó atrás a sus rivales en la última. 2017/6/11 Santiaguero left his competition behind in @GulfstreamPark finale, Jose Batista in the irons for trainer Manuel Estevez. Santiaguero dejo atrás…