#GulfstreamPark Dancing Wind dominates race 8. / Dancing Wind domina la 8va carrera. 2017/5/5 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-05-05 Dancing Wind dominates race 8 at @GulfstreamPark under Emisael Jaramillo, second win today for Gilberto Zerpa. Dancing Wind domina la 8va en @GulfstreamPark, condujo Emisael Jaramillo, dos triunfos hoy para Gilberto Zerpa.
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Ransack went wire to wire in the 7th race. / Ransack ganó de punta a punta la 7ma carrera. 2017/5/5 Ransack went wire to wire in @GulfstreamPark 7th race, Edgard Zayas up for Michael Maker. Ransack ganó de punta a…
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Tough Customer scores in race 9. / Tough Customer triunfa en la 9na carrera. 2017/5/5 Tough Customer scores in @GulfstreamPark race 9, C.J.McMahon in the @Americanequus irons for trainer Ron Faucheaux. Tough Customer triunfa en…