#GulfstreamPark Fact Check scores in race 8. / Fact Check triunfó en la 8va carrera. 2017/3/16 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-03-16 Fact Check scores in @GulfstreamPark 8th, ridden by Luis Sáez and trained by Todd Pletcher. #ChampionshipMeet Fact Check triunfó en la 8va de @GulfstreamPark, condujo Luis Sáez y entrena Todd Pletcher. #ChampionshipMeet
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark I’m Thirsty was the best in race 7. / I’m Thirsty fue superior en la 7ma carrera. 2017/3/16 I’m Thirsty was the best in @GulfstreamPark 7th, apprentice Manny Jimenez rode for Jorge Navarro #Panama. #ChampionshipMeet …
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Sir Sebastian hits the wire first in race 9. / Sir Sebastian se anotó la victoria en la 9na carrera. 2017/3/16 Sir Sebastian hits the wire first in @GulfstreamPark 9th, Paco López in the saddle for Marcial Navarro. #ChampionshipMeet …