#GulfstreamPark Hammers Terror holds on to win race 8. / Hammers Terror se creció en la 8va carrera. 2017/5/27 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-05-27 Hammers Terror, with Emisael Jaramillo, holds on to win @GulfstreamPark 8th for Michael Maker. Hammers Terror, con Emisael Jaramillo, se creció en la 8va de @GulfstreamPark para Michael Maker.
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Federica storms in the final stretch to win race 7. / Federica resultó incontenible en la 7ma. 2017/5/27 Federica storms in the final stretch to win race 7 at @GulfstreamPark, ridden by Leonel Reyes and trained by Eduardo…
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Money Or Love upsets the Musical Romance. / Money Or Love sorprende en el Musical Romance. 2017/5/27 Money Or Love upsets the Musical Romance, Ramsey Zimmerman aboard for trainer Anthony Russo. #GulfstreamPark Money Or Love sorprende…