#GulfstreamPark Lounge Act went wire to wire in the 4th. / Lounge Act gana de punta a punta la 4ta carrera. 2017/5/26 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-05-26 Lounge Act went wire to wire in @GulfstreamPark 4th, apprentice Franklin Ceballos aboard for trainer Wesley Ward. Lounge Act gana la 4ta en @GulfstreamPark, el aprendiz Franklin Ceballos abordo para Wesley Ward. #GulfstreamPark
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Holy Giacomo scores in the 3rd race. / Holy Giacomo triunfa en la 3ra carrera. 2017/5/26 Holy Giacomo scores in @GulfstreamPark 3rd race under Tyler Gaffalione, Armando De La Cerda is the winner trainer. Holy Giacomo…
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Nano’s Crown holds on to win race 5. / Nano’s Crown aguantó y ganó la 5ta carrera. 2017/5/26 Nano’s Crown holds on to win race 5 at @GulfstreamPark, ridden by Carlos Montalvo, trained by Gerald Bennet. Nano’s Crown…