#GulfstreamPark Prince of England holds on to win race 2 / Prince of England aguantó y ganó la 2da carrera . 2017/2/16 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-02-16 Prince of England holds off Venezuelan King to win @GulfstreamPark race 2 for trainer Rohan Crichton. #ChampionshipMeet Prince of England contuvo a Venezuelan King para ganar la 2da en @GulfstreamPark para Rohan Crichton. #ChampionshipMeet
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Boyfriend’s Back upsets the first race / Boyfriend’s Back gana la primera carrera. 2017/2/16 Boyfriend’s Back upsets the first race at @GulfstreamPark, Luca Panici up for trainer Mickey Kroger. #ChampionshipMeet Boyfriend’s…
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Florida Fabulous romps in race 3 / Florida Fabulous galopó la 3ra carrera. 2017/2/16 David Fawkes’ Florida Fabulous romps in the 3rd race, Paco López was the rider. #ChampionshipMeet Florida Fabulous,…