#GulfstreamPark Star Baby bests her rivals in the 6th race. / Star Baby superó a sus rivales en la 6ta carrera. 2017/4/15 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-04-15 Juan Arias’ Star Baby, with Nicky Figueroa, bests her rivals in the 6th race at @GulfstreamPark. Star Baby, de Juan Arias con Nicky Figueroa, superó a sus rivales en la 6ta carrera de @GulfstreamPark.
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Cashless Society holds on to win race 5. / Cashless aguantó y ganó la 5ta carrera. 2017/4/15 Cashless Society (inside) holds on to win race 5, Tyler Gaffalione aboard, trained by Chad Brown. @GulfstreamPark …
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Powerline went wire to wire in the 7th. / Powerline ganó de punta a punta la 7ma carrera. 2017/4/15 Powerline went wire to wire in @GulfstreamPark 7th, Nicky Figueroa in the saddle for trainer Allen Iwinski. Powerline…