#GulfstreamPark Tranquilo scores an easy victory in race 8. / Tranquilo triunfó fácilmente en la 8va carrera. 2017/2/16 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-02-16 Tranquilo scores an easy victory in race 8 at @GulfstreamPark, Luis Sáez rode for Philip Serpe. #ChampionshipMeet Tranquilo triunfó fácilmente en la 8va de @GulfstreamPark, Luis Sáez montó para Philip Serpe. #ChampionshipMeet
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Market Money flew home to win race 7. / Market a Money voló al final y ganó la 7ma carrera. 2017/2/16 Market Money (12) flew home to win @GulfstreamPark race 7, Elvis Trujillo up for trainer Rohan Crichton. #ChampionshipMeet …
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark American Patriot bests his rivals in race 9. / American Patriot superó a sus rivales en la 9na carrera. 2017/2/16 American Patriot bests his rivals in @GulfstreamPark 9th, Johnny V up for Todd Pletcher and @WinStarFarm. #ChampionshipMeet …