#GulfstreamPark Venezuelan Beauty romps in race 5. / Venezuelan Beauty galopó la 5ta carrera. 2017/3/16 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-03-16 Venezuelan Beauty, with Jose Ortiz #PR, romps in @GulfstreamPark 5th, trained by Fernando Abreu. #ChampionshipMeet Venezuelan Beauty, con Jose Ortiz #PR, galopó la 5ta en @GulfstreamPark, entrenó Fernando Abreu. #ChampionshipMeet
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Brucarita rallies from last to first in race 4. / Brucarita arremetió desde el último y terminó primero en la 4ta. 2017/3/16 Michael Matz’s Brucarita rallies from last to first in @GulfstreamPark 4th, Johnny V #PR in the saddle. #ChampionshipMeet …
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Cape Mist finishes strong to win race 6. / Cape Mist cerró con fuerzas y ganó la 6ta carrera. 2017/3/16 Cape Mist finishes strong to win race 6 at @GulfstreamPark, Jose Ortiz in the @Americanequus irons for Jane Cibelli.…