#GulfstreamPark Write in Candidate closes strong to win race 5. / Write in Candidate remató y ganó la 5ta carrera. 2017/3/11 videohipico@gmail.comon2017-03-11 Write in Candidate closes strong to win @GulfstreamPark race 4, Luca Panici rode for Dale Romans. #ChampionshipMeet Write in Candidate remató y ganó la 4ta de @GulfstreamPark, Luca Panici montó para Dale Romans. #ChampionshipMeet
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Perfect Perfection scores in the Captiva Island. / Pretty Perfection triunfa en el Captive Island. 2017/3/11 Pretty Perfection scores in the Captiva Island at @GulfstreamPark, ridden by Nik Juarez, trained by Kelly Breen. #ChampionshipMeet …
Gulfstream Park - Results #GulfstreamPark Dazzling Dixie wins race 6. / Dazzling Dixie gana la 6ta carrera. 2017/3/11 Dazzling Dixie wins @GulfstreamPark race 6, Nicky Figueroa up for trainer Saffie Joseph Jr. #ChampionshipMeet Dazzling Dixie…