#GulfstreamPark #SummerMeet Top Jockeys, up to 7/23. Tyler Gaffalione leads with 25 wins. Zayas 23 Vásquez 18 Jaramillo 14 Panici…

#GulfstreamPark #SummerMeet Top Jockeys / Jinetes Líderes 2017/7/16.
#GulfstreamPark #SummerMeet Top Jockeys, up to 7/16. Edgard Zayas is leading with 18 wins. Gaffalione 17 Jaramillo 12 Vásquez 10…

#GulfstreamPark #SummerMeet Top Trainers / Entrenadores Líderes 2017/7/16.
#GulfstreamPark #SummerMeet Top Trainers by wins, up to 7/16. Ralph Ziadie leads with 8 victories. Nicks 7 Sano 6 Gold…

#GulfstreamPark 4th Race / 4ta Carrera 2017/7/14
Porter Street, Tyler Gaffalione up, prevails in race 4 for trainer Angel Rodriguez at @GulfstreamPark #TwilightRacing Porter Street, con Tyler…

#GulfstreamPark #SummerMeet Top Jockeys / Jinetes Líderes 2017/7/9.
#GulfstreamPark #SummerMeet Top Jockeys, up to 7/9. Tyler Gaffalione in front with 14 victories. Zayas 11 Vásquez 7 Jaramillo 6…

#GulfstreamPark 5th Race / 5ta Carrera 2017/7/9
Righteous Ruth (2) and Tyler Gaffalione take race 5 for trainer Jonathan Thomas at @GulfstreamPark. Righteous Ruth (2) y Tyler…

#GulfstreamPark Adorable Miss dominates the Martha Washington S. / Adorable Miss domina el Martha Washington S. 2017/7/4
Adorable Miss dominates the Martha Washington Stakes, Tyler Gaffalione up for trainer Todd Pletcher & Mathis Stable. #GulfstreamPark #FreedomFest Adorable…

#GulfstreamPark Treasure for Gold closes strong to win race 8. / Treasure for Gold remató con éxito en la 8va carrera. 2017/7/2
Treasure for Gold closes strong to win race 8 at @GulfstreamPark, ridden by Tyler Gaffalione, trained by Todd Pletcher. Treasure…

#GulfstreamPark #SpringMeet Top Jockeys / Jinetes Líderes 2017/6/25.
#GulfstreamPark #SpringMeet Top Jockeys, up to 6/25. Tyler Gaffalione in front with 95 wins. Zayas 70 Jaramillo 46 Panici 44…

#GulfstreamPark Florida Fuego wins impressively in race 7. / Florida Fuego inmenso en la 7ma carrera. 2017/6/24
Florida Fuego wins impressively in @GulfstreamPark 7th, Tyler Gaffalione in the saddle for David Fawkes. Florida Fuego inmenso en la…

#GulfstreamPark Spring Up prevails in race 2. / Spring Up se impuso en la 2da. 2017/6/22
Spring Up prevails in race 2, Tyler Gaffalione in the irons for trainer Mark Casse. @GulfstreamPark Spring Up se…

#GulfstreamPark #SpringMeet Top Jockeys / Jinetes Líderes 2017/6/18.
#GulfstreamPark #SpringMeet Top Jockeys, up to 6/18. Tyler Gaffalione in front with 88 wins. Zayas 67 Jaramillo 42 Panici 39…

#GulfstreamPark Battle Tux dominates race 2. / Battle Tux domina la 2da carrera. 2017/6/15
Bobby Dibona’s Battle Tux dominates @GulfstreamPark 2nd, Tyler Gaffalione in the irons. Battle Tux, de Bobby Dibona, domina la 2da…

#GulfstreamPark #SpringMeet Top Jockeys / Jinetes Líderes 2017/6/11.
#GulfstreamPark #SpringMeet Top Jockeys, up to 6/11. Tyler Gaffalione leads with 82 wins. Zayas 62 Jaramillo 40 Panici 33 Vasquez…

#GulfstreamPark Earth finishes strong to win race 4. / Earth arremetió y ganó la 4ta carrera. 2017/6/11
Earth finishes strong to win @GulfstreamPark 4th under Tyler Gaffalione, trained by Todd Pletcher. Earth arremetió y ganó la 4ta…