The chestnut filly Docorena (Hatch the Storm), ridden by Wilbert Leon and trained by Mike Contini, won the Clasico “Tapatapa” (G3, 6 furlongs) in a great performance over Patt Coro (Documentary) and Lelamuti (Keep Thinking) at La Rinconada racecourse.
La potra castaña Docoreña (Hatch the Storm), conducida por Wilbert León y entrenada por Miguel Contini, ganó el Clásico “Tapatapa” (G3, 1200 metros) en una gran demostración sobre Patt Coro (Documentary) y Lelamuti (Keep Thinking) en el hipódromo La Rinconada.
Author / Autor: Winston Hernández @en_la_pomada
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